

  • Songtan is an area in the northern end of Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggido, South Korea. Songtan achieved city status in its own right in 1981, five years earlier than Pyeongtaek, but merged, along with Pyeongtaek County, into Pyeongtaek City in May 1995.


songtan – Songtan

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Songtan is an area in the northern end of Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggido, South Korea. Songtan achieved city status in its own right in 1981, five years earlier than Pyeongtaek, but merged, along with Pyeongtaek County, into Pyeongtaek City in May 1995. Most residents still consider it to have an identity separate from the rest of Pyeongtaek City. At consolidation, Songtan had over 110,000 residents, slightly less than the population of pre-consolidation Pyeongtaek City. The district has an administrative office which formerly served as Songtan City Hall. Songtan’s best known feature is Osan Air Base, which spawned the growth of the area and is a major factor in the district’s economy.

Songtan back alley

Songtan back alley
Songtan is amazing- shops everywhere and shopkeepers leading you through trap doors and false walls to sell you anything and everything you could imagine.

Songtan (5)

Songtan (5)
Songtan Sally, walking the streets.


Korean Bar Secrets II
This book is about women and how men can be more sucessful with them. Reading this book explains a great deal about the way men interact with women when trying to deal with them in the bars of Korea. This is a book written for anyone who has ever tried to meet, date, and get closer to women that work in any kind of a bar.
This book deals more specifically with the Bars of Korea and how the military man approaches and has some fun in these foreign drinking establishments.
But this book is much more than a guidebook to the bars of Korea and how military people should behave in order to get their agenda advanced. This book goes inside the club system to explain the who, what, where, when, and how of the entire bar conglomerate. It’s an eye-opening look at what the average American or other foreignor faces in these bars. At the same time, much of what women think and feel towards these customers is dealt with in detail.
A must read for men who want to succeed with women and understand them better.